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Empowering parents.



This resource was designed to help you and your family be confident in partnering with your healthcare team to lower your baby’s pain during procedures.

About us

Welcome to your virtual guide on parent-led pain management! This resource is made for you, because parents have power! Parenting Pain Away is a secure eHealth resource developed by a team of parents, clinicians, and researchers to help make painful procedures a more positive experience.


Parenting Pain Away has been created using the Chez NICU Home platform, originally developed by amazing people at the IWK Health Centre. Chez NICU Home is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of families in neonatal intensive care units. But Chez NICU Home sees a future where all babies are protected from unnecessary harm. Parenting Pain Away was created to tackle this goal by making evidence-informed education available right at Island parents fingertips!


Within Parenting Pain Away there are lessons to help empower, engage, educate, and support you and your family to become actively involved in your baby’s pain management. The information in these lessons comes directly from research! If you are interested in reading the original sources, click “references” at the bottom of each page in the Learn section.

Parenting Pain Away will help you build skills to lower your baby’s pain throughout their first year.

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Like any good project, we have a special goal to show our commitment in making this the best experience for you!