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Additional Resources


There are many researchers and healthcare providers in Canada and worldwide that are all working to making procedures less painful for children. If you are interested in finding out more, here are just some of the amazing Canadian resources available to you!

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Chez NICU Home is a multi-faceted project led by Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo at the IWK Health Centre. Chez NICU Home offers a secure, web-based platform that provides families in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) with the education and resources they need to become more active participants in the care of their baby. For more information, contact ChezNICUHome@iwk.nshealth.ca.

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Comfort Promise

The team at SickKids in Toronto have made a comfort promise to Canadian families. They have gathered all of the evidence about how to manage pain in children from needle procedures and created a learning hub to help families learn. Check out their promise!

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Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP)

Over the past 20 years we have learned so much about the negative effects of children’s pain and the best ways to treat their pain- but it is time for those to be put into ACTION! SKIP (Solution for Kids in Pain) is a Canadian initiative that is committed to getting knowledge about children’s pain into the hands of healthcare providers, families, and patients!

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Reduce the pain of vaccination in babies

Healthcare providers from SickKids Hospital created this detailed video on how to reduce pain of vaccination in babies. They also created this short guide for parents that describes the important steps in reducing needle pain. Check out their website to find out more on their health promotion campaign, HELPinKids!

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Be Sweet to Moms and Babies

Interested in how your healthcare providers support parent-led pain management? The Be Sweet to Babies team put together this brief instructional video on how your healthcare team will set up and perform procedures while you are snuggling with your baby!

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It Doesn’t Have to Hurt

There are many great ways that parents can help reduce pain during procedures even when your baby grows up. In this video, the It Doesn’t Have to Hurt team breaks it down into simple steps!

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ACHH Initiative

The ACHH Initiative was created because this team noticed that Indigenous children experience pain differently. So Indigenous community members, researchers, and healthcare providers partnered together to improve children’s experiences with healthcare using innovative ways- like an app!

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A new decade is here and we are joining together around the world to celebrate 2020, the Global Year of Prevention of Pain!

Thank YOU for helping to prevent pain!

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