home | comfort strategies | summary

Your super power.


Congratulations, you have reviewed all of the ways to provide pain management!

You know that your presence, touch, smell, and voice are all comforting to your baby. It’s one of your superpowers.

When you are involved in your baby’s pain management, you help:

  • lower their stress and pain

  • their healthy growth and development

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You have learned a lot from this website!

If you forget exactly how to comfort your baby during procedures, you can always ask your nurse for support. They are there to help you and your baby!

Also to refresh your memory, you can watch this short video to see the top 3 easy ways to comfort babies during painful procedures!

  1. Breastfeeding

  2. Skin-to-skin contact

  3. Sweet tasting solutions

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Building skills for many years

Parenting Pain Away has listed many ways that will help lower your baby’s pain during procedures throughout their first year.

As your baby gets older, there are other ways to help provide pain relief during procedures - like blowing bubbles or playing games! (1)

Explore this tip sheet so you can easily know exactly what to do and when: Quick Tips

Learn more about pain management for:


School-age children

Always talk to your healthcare provider about pain management before procedures to keep your little one feeling safe and secure as they grow.

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  1. Trottier, E. D., Doré-Bergeron, M.-J., Chauvin-Kimoff, L., Baerg, K., Ali, S., & Acute Care Committee, Hospital Paediatrics Section, Community Paediatrics Section, P. E. M. S. (2019). Managing pain and distress in children undergoing brief diagnostic and therapeutic proceduresManaging pain and distress in children undergoing brief diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Paediatric Child Health, 24(8), 509–521. Retrieved from https://www.cps.ca/en/documents/position/managing-pain-and-distress
